Thursday, December 30, 2010

Good Soil Bad Weeds

I'm a sales rep, which means I am in my car all day. I try to amuse myself by listening to music, singing along with the radio and making up dances. It was during one of these "dance sessions" that I felt something move in my abdomen. When I stopped moving, it kept moving. Something wasn't right and I was totally freaked out! I went to the Doctor and after a battery of tests, pelvic exams and ultrasounds I was told that I needed surgery to remove the very large cyst that was attached to my ovary. I was scared, terrified really. I got a second opinion and it was confirmed that surgery was in order.

On July 9th 2003 I underwent a hysteroscopy where the surgeons removed two very large cysts. One the size of a grapefruit, the other the size of a lemon. The cyst was what they call a chocolate cyst because it was filled with old blood. I was told that I had a disease called Endometriosis. Basically the lining of my endometrium was attaching itself to other parts of my reproductive system and intestine by creating adhesions. This could lead to painful periods and if left untreated it could potentially lead to infertility.

 I was placed on Lupron and injection that chemically sends your body into menopause for the duration you are on the medication.  It was great I didn't get my period for a whole year! I didn't have any pain and led a normal healthy life. Unfortunately you can only stay on Lupron for a short period of time. I was then switched to various birth control pills to minimize my ability to ovulate which  has been proven to help with Endometriosis.

Fast forward seven years and at least seven different birth control pills later extremely painful periods, break through bleeding and discomfort in between periods returned. After multiple trips to the doctor I was told I needed surgery again. Thankfully this time the surgery was less invasive. On June 9th, 2010 a Laporoscopy and an HSG test confirmed that my fallopian tubes were blocked due to adhesions from endometriosis and scarring from my last surgery and that I would be unable to conceive without the help of fertility drugs specifically IVF. The good news was that I had a healthy womb. I had good soil, unfortunately it had been overcome by bad weeds.

Therapy through written word

What do you do when you're stressed? What gives you that sense of comfort? Relaxes you when you are tense? For me it's writing. I can put pen to paper and suddenly things feel different. I can see clearer, function better and peace covers me like a mothers arms. It's what makes me feel better. It allows me to express how I feel without my mind being cluttered with the opinions of others. When times get tough my Journal gets the most love. I've learned the importance of writing during the good and the challenging seasons of my life. I love looking back and seeing how God has blessed me and how I've overcome obstacles. Writing the good reminds me that God is always doing great things in my life, that I can always trust Him and that the best is yet to come!

As I enter 2011, I know I have a few obstacles to overcome, but I also have an Awesome God who has proven Himself time and time again.  My prayer is that my story can be a blessing to someone else. So not only am I writing as therapy for myself, but in hopes that someone else can benefit from my written word.