Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The 90-10 Rule

Last year I received a card in the mail that said. "Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." So powerful and so true. When you really think about it, all of us have heard the wonderful stories about people who grew up with nothing and ended up being lawyers, doctors, executives, etc. We may not have a choice in the deck life has dealt, however we do have a choice on how we will deal with what we've been given. It may not seem fair (most of the time it isn't), but if we fix our attitude in such a way that we can get over the injustice, we just might be able to get to where we want to go a little bit faster. However if we stay down wallowing in our sorrows and throwing constant pity parties we end up going no where.

It's human nature to want to share your woes with someone else, unfortunately 90% of the time no one really cares! EVERYONE has something going on, so rather than spending most of your time drowning in your own sorrows, take time to think of someone else.

Studies have shown that people feel better when they are helping someone else. Spend 90% of your helping others and 10% having your own private pity parties. I guarantee you will look at the world in a whole different light. 

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