Friday, December 16, 2011

Our little secret

As mentioned no one knew that we were doing another cycle. This time the plan was to wait before we started telling people. It was hard to contain such good news. We wanted to get further into the pregnancy to avoid being disappointed ourselves or disappointing others. The rule of thumb is waiting until the end of the first trimester before you start telling people because there is a drastic decrease in the risk of miscarriage.

There are a lot risks in early pregnancy. At any moment something could go wrong. It's a really strange time because you obviously don't look pregnant and you don't necessarily feel pregnant and it top it one knows (unless you tell them). For the first few weeks we were super careful, making sure to plan out activities and to avoid anything that might cause a loss of the pregnancy. It was pretty easy, no one seemed to notice the minor changes in behavior. Our plan seemed to be working. We were going to wait until the end of the first trimester to share the good news

Then around 5 weeks I started "feeling pregnant". I was really tired all the time. I started going to bed earlier and taking naps. The journey had definitely begun. It was our little secret, but not for long.

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