Saturday, March 19, 2011

Battle wounds of Love

Within the past week, I have heard from at least 3 different people who have suffered the loss of a family member or friend. I had this unshakable sadness all week.  I have a heart for people. I hate to see others hurting. I think I have compassion for people in this area in particular because I've been going to funerals since I was 8 years old.   I've had the fortunate and unfortunate pleasure of loving and losing some people who were very near and dear to me. I love hard so therefore I hurt hard. One day I decided that I would stop loving so hard. I simply decided that it would just be easier to limit relationships with people so when they are gone I wouldn't hurt so bad. While yes, it was a logical thought; it was not a practical thought.

Part of life is pouring your heart into someone else, laughing together, crying together, creating memories with that individual that are unique to the two of you. So of course it hurts when the one person that you have spent time creating memories with passes away. The bond that you shared is broken without intent. The space in your heart for your loved one is left vacant and overtime fills with grief as you mourn your loss. It's hard. At times you feel like its impossible to move on, but eventually you do. You start to think of memories that make you laugh and while they may not be there to share in the joy. You know they would rather see you smile then frown. As time passes, a scab covers the open wound of grief. You are healing, moving forward with memories in tow.  A small scar remains reminding you that they were there. A battle wound of loving to hard.

Think of your battle wounds as a badge of honor. For those who I have lost, it was an honor to get to know them. It was an honor to create memories with them, an honor to love them. Know that while the mourning process may be hard, joy really does come in the morning. And when it shows up embrace it! Hold onto the memories and let them take you forward on this battlefield we call life.

Go love someone today!

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