Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My Grandmother used to tell me this all the time! As I've gotten older, I've come to realize just how true it really is. The world revolves around no one. Just because you may be going through something doesn't necessarily mean that anyone else should care. The world will not recreate its center around you and your problem. People have their own situations to deal with. We gain a new perspective when we realize that others are going through hard times too...it's not just us. It's so easy to get caught up with what is happening to us, that we don't take time to think of what may be going on in someone else's life.

I am reminded of this when someone is rude to me or cuts me off in traffic. There must be something going on with them. It helps me take the focus of off me and put it on the fact that someone else may be hurting. At times when people actually share what has been going on in their life it makes you realize that what you are going through really isn't that bad.

A pastor stated in his sermon that whatever your situation - You are not the first to have to deal with it. It may seem like the end of the world, but somewhere, someone has dealt with those same feelings and the same situation. Remembering that takes away the edge. Others have lost jobs, family members, pregnancies, etc. I'm not the first and unfortunately I won't be the last. I find solace in knowing that other people have made it through the same situation I am in. I find hope in knowing that life goes on and even gets better.

I don't want the world revolving around me....don't need all that attention....none of us do:)

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