Thursday, January 27, 2011

Be a name not a number...or just be a really big number

I recently read some advice on an IVF blog that encouraged patients to get to know the staff and get the staff to know you. Its true they have lots of patients coming in and out of the office on a daily basis and while most of the staff are cordial to them you are just another person coming in to get help getting knocked up (excuse me for being crass...but its the truth). Its important to make a connection. These people, the doctors, nurses, technicians and staff will be all up in your business for the duration of the process. You think going to the OBGYN is uncomfortable! Imagine getting blood work and  a transvaginal ultrasound everyday for a week and a half! It pays to be nice to the people who are drawing your blood and looking up your Hoo Ha! LOL It definitely makes the visits a bit less stressful when people smile at you and ask you questions about yourself, not just your estrogen levels.

Not to brag, but I try my best to be extra nice to people. It's just who I am. (It's also what I do for a living...I'm in sales so you kinda have to be nice all the time) I was raised to speak to people when I see them, say please and thank you and smile. On certain occasions when I have had to call the office I can hear the person on the other end of the phone smile when I state my name. The staff knows who I am. They know that I will be polite and that I'm not calling for every little thing.  Ok so I have to admit there are a couple reasons they know my name. The first would be because at my office they have group meetings where the doctors get together and discuss your case. They take a very collective approach. While you are assigned one Doctor, on any given day you will be working with one of their associates. Then there was the time I totally freaked out during the practice transfer....yeah I kinda think that's why everyone knows me LOL and then finally the lab knows me because they retrieved over 3 dozen eggs from me. So if they don't know my name...they do know me as the lady with the 41 eggs lol. Either way, I am known and based on my interaction...I'm liked too;)

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