Thursday, January 27, 2011

Transfering Life

Today was the big day and what seemingly the final step of an IVF cycle. Transfer day! As mentioned in previous posts we had a lot for the lab to work with. Our appointment was at 11:30 this morning. We sign in sit down and the Embryologist comes to chat with us, verify who we are (They have very secure measures in place to ensure they don't transfer the wrong embryos into the wrong person) and show us a picture of the ones selected to be transferred. We have a picture!!!! A picture of what we created. Most people don't get an opportunity to see such an early stage of life. Many people argue that what is created in the lab is not life. I disagree. It's my life. It's my eggs, my husbands sperm and they have joined together to make something we could not have done as individuals. So i guess technically I am 1 day pregnant LOL. WOW  - its totally surreal. I know this is not the final step, we have to go back for the pregnancy test on 2/4 to confirm a positive pregnancy, but its still a living thing and its growing...actually there are two. I got caught up in my rant and forgot to mention that they transferred two embryos that had reached the Blastocysts stage. So it is likely that we will be proud parents of twins! What a blessing!

So now we wait....wait and pray.

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