Saturday, January 22, 2011

When it rains....

On Saturday 1/8 I started the IVF cycle of medication I take Gonal F and Menapur. Normally they tell you that you will be on the meds for 7-10 days before they do an egg retrieval. I was on medication for 12 days. I began going to the doctor every other day for blood work. Around Thursday I began going to the doctor everyday around 7AM. They were starting to count and measure the number of follicles. So every morning I was up bright and early to pricked and prodded.

Apparently I was responding well to the medication which was great to hear! I was told I had good egg reserves so this would be a repetitively easy process. A few days in I started feeling really bloated and uncomfortable. This is normal with fertility medicine. My follicles were starting to grow and my body was trying to react to the number of eggs and the space they were taking up. Over several days I began to produce more and more eggs. The feedback I was getting from the doctors was that I had a lot of little follicles. I'm thinking this is great! I just didn't realize how many follicles they were talking about.

Sometimes after a good hard rain things begin to grow our hope is that flowers begin to bloom.

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