Thursday, January 27, 2011

Maybe its the hormones?!.......

So my initial reservation with IVF was all the medication....specifically the hormones. The extra hormones women generate during "that time of the month" can be difficult enough to deal with. LOL So the initial injections were ok. I felt fine and as I mentioned in a previous blog I have a great response. The doctors were concerned because I had super high estrogen levels. One of the nurses told many that many women tend to have "witchy" tendencies when their estrogen spikes. I was fine, matter fact, I was all smiles and rainbows! I have never felt so happy go lucky, it was slightly euphoric. I mean I think I'm a pretty nice person, but I was SUPER nice. The only downside was that I was a little emotional, everything made a cry. And when I did cry, it just felt so good lol.  It was great!.....Then they added progesterone. Lets just say things have changed slightly. I am still nice and I still cry (even more), but I've noticed that some really insignificant things upset me. Unfortunately the person who gets the raw end of the deal is my Dear Husband. Poor guy, has no idea this is just the beginning. We have really great communication so I try to apologize if I go off the hormonal deep end. He has been very understanding and I've promised him that I will try my best to channel all that 41 egg producing nice estrogen my body so lovingly had just a week ago :) 

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